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This selection of similar properties is based on criteria that is limited by size, age, quality and location. It contains a sample of properties, and is not an all-inclusive list. Information on this website is not updated in "real time", and important characteristics of this data may have changed. Users must independently research, investigate and verify all information before relying on it for any purpose. Map and parcel information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. No portion of the information should be considered to be, or used as, a legal document. Users should independently research, investigate and verify all information.

By using this website, the user knowingly assumes all risk of inaccuracy and waives any and all claims for damages against Pinal County and its officers and employees that may arise from the use of this data and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Pinal County and its officers and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law. By using this website, the user also agrees that data and use of this website may not be used for commercial purposes.